TL494 High Power Hige Eff Boost.. Your design Circuit

Submitted by Liaw on

Dear Circuit Digest designer…

Can I have updated Circuit . Because , Inside of video circuit is not same in web page , your added some transistor.

Please sent me to [email protected] or update to your webpage. 

Thank you


Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

What problem are you facing with the existing schematic? It did not work? It should work. The project is perfectly working.


  Joined February 27, 2021      1

Saturday at 11:43 AM

Yes, did not work. Voltage  was not going up as video. Why in you page put-in some transisitor.? Then I want to correct its and used. please.




In reply to by Liaw

  Joined March 17, 2021      3

Wednesday at 12:19 AM

For Liaw: that's not a transistor, but the MBR20100CT double Schottky diode in a transistor capsule.

Could you please send me the google spreadsheet, if you managed to download it while it was online?




  Joined March 17, 2021      3

Wednesday at 12:19 AM

Also, the google spreadsheet is no longer online. Please update the link or find an alternative method of posting it.

I plan to modify the input voltage from 12 to 20V and I need to adjust component values accordingly.

Thank you!