Real-Time Balance Control with ESP32 An Open-Source Self-Balancing Robot Powered by ESP32

A developer has built a self-balancing robot…

Controlling LEDs Using Hand Gestures Hand Gesture Recognition using ESP32 and Python

This ESP32 project is an exciting and interactive way to control LEDs using hand gestures. We will use an ESP32 board, Python, MediaPipe, and…

PowerTortoise PowerTortoise IoT: An ESP32 Sensor Board That Runs for Years on AA Batteries

Rednexing, a North Carolina based startup,  is preparing to launch a Crowd Supply campaign for PowerTortoise IoT, an ESP32-based development…

A Smart Desk Companion Gus v2 - A Desktop Buddy That Reacts to Your Environment

An electronics hobbyist has made, Gus 2.0 a desktop companion that monitors air quality, temperature, and humidity. It…

ESPARGOS ESPARGOS: An ESP32-Based WiFi Sensing Array That Can “See” Wireless Signals

Researchers at the University of Stuttgart’s Institute of Telecommunications have developed ESPARGOS, an advanced phase-coherent ESP32 antenna…

GoogleFindMyTools Tracking ESP32 Devices with Google’s Find My Network

Losing a device can be frustrating, but services like Google’s Find My Device and Apple’s Find My make it easier to track lost items using their…

LockyFi - Remote Switch Controller for Automation Introducing LockyFi, A 4G/2G/Wi-Fi Remote Switch Controller for Seamless Automation

LockyFi is a remote switch controller that offers seamless automation for a wide range of applications. It supports…

DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 with Smooth Dual-Axis Control

Telescopes are essential for astronomers, allowing them to observe stars and planets with clarity. While commercial…

Hacking The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner Hacking Roomba: Turn Your Vacuum into a Web-Controlled Robot with ESP32

An open-source hardware developer has shared an innovative project repurposing his old vacuum cleaning robot,…

A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners

In a recent project released the thisismax Youtube channel explores how the Magnus effect can be used to steer projectiles in the air using a…