
Electronics Systems Design and Manufacturing How FTP 2023 will Help India To Achieve Target US$ 300 Bn of Electronics Production by 2026

On 31st March 2023, the New Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2023 was released by the Minister of Commerce and Industry,…

LED ON and OFF Circuit using 555 Timer IC Building a LED Dimmer Circuit using 555 Timer IC and BC557 Transistor

LEDs are commonly used in electronic circuits as they consume less power, are easy to use, and have a long lifespan. In…

Raspberry Pi Pushed Raspberry Pi Pushed to Its Limits with Coral AI Edge TPU for Video Object Recognition

A recent video posted on YouTube explores the capabilities of a Raspberry Pi with the Coral…

Simple Audio Level Indicator Simple Audio Level Indicator using LM3915

LED VU meters are popular devices, especially for those people who love music. With this device, you can easily look at…

DIY Risc-V Supercluster 16 Core DIY Risc-V Supercluster for Just $2

Matthias Balwierz AKA bitluni, maker from Germany has created a 16 Core DIY Risc-V Super…

AC Lines Detector using 555 Timer IC Building a Simple Current Detector Circuit with 555 Timer and few Passive Components

Working with electricity can be a daunting and life-threatening task if you are a beginner in the electronic/electrical…

HOZO's NeoRuler HOZO's NeoRuler: The Ultimate Measuring Tool for Designers and Architects

NeoRuler, the latest innovative measuring tool, has been garnering attention in the tech industry for its advanced…

How to use Bluetooth Classic on ESP32 Getting Started with Bluetooth Classic on ESP32

The ESP32 is a powerful, low-cost microcontroller that is widely used in the development of IoT projects. It is popular…

Auto-GPT Auto-GPT: an AI which can rewrite its Own Code

A new open-source project called Auto-GPT has been making waves on GitHub. Developed by…

Robotic Hand Grasps Object Revolutionary Robotic Hand Grasps Objects with Wrist Movement and Skin Sensation

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have designed a cutting-edge robotic arm that…