
TMC2208 Stepper Motor Driver How to use TMC2208 Stepper Motor Driver with Arduino

Today, we are going to explore the TMC2208, a popular driver module used for controlling 2-phase bipolar stepper motors…

Arduino Pick and Make Kit New Plug and Make Starter Kit from Arduino for IoT Projects

Arduino just released their new starter kit Arduino Plug and Make Kit aimed at makers of all ages. As the name suggests the kit includes plug-and-…

IoT & Edge AI Project Challenge 2024 Registration Now Open - Online Electronics Project Competition 2024

We're excited to announce the launch of our IoT & Edge AI Project Challenge 2024, presented by CircuitDigest and sponsored by DigiKey. This…

Object Detection using ESP32-CAM and Edge Impulse Object Detection using ESP32-CAM and Edge Impulse

In this project, we have used the popular ESP32-CAM module to build an Image recognition system that can identify…

WiCAN Pro Internals WiCAN Pro An Advanced Open Source OBD Scanning Tool

 MeatPi Electronics, an Australian based Hardware developer firm, announced their new open-source OBD scanning tool called WiCAN Pro. It is…

Neural Feedback Technology Restores Natural Walking for Amputees Neural Feedback Technology Restores Natural Walking for Amputees

There are cases where amputations significantly challenge people in their day-to-day activities. While many innovations aim to address this issue…

Jumperless Breadboard Prototyping Made Easy with the Upgraded Jumperless Breadboard

If you are an electronics engineer or a hobbyist, you certainly know the importance of a breadboard during early prototyping. anyone who has used…

USBgpio Adding GPIOs to Any Computer Using USBgpio

You might be wondering why the Raspberry Pis are so popular despite there are desktops or laptops that are much more…

Object Manipulation in Messy, Dynamic Environments New Method Revolutionizes Object Manipulation in Messy, Dynamic Environments

Light and sound waves have long been known to manipulate objects, giving rise to technologies like optical and acoustic…

Component Manufacturing Ecosystem in India How The New Recommendations to the Govt will Boost Component Manufacturing Ecosystem in India To mitigate this threat, India must rapidly transition from import-dependence assembly to value-added component manufacturing. Value-added…