Microchip introduced the new 53100A Phase Noise Analyzer for precise and accurate measurement of frequency signals, including those generated by atomic clocks and other high-performance frequency reference modules and subsystems. The 53100A can measure radio frequency (RF) signals up to 200 MHZ, and it can acquire frequency signals and characterize the phase noise, jitter, Allan deviation (ADEV), and time deviation (TDEV) quickly and precisely.
The Phase Noise Analyzer can be configured in different ways and it allows up to three separate devices to be tested at the same time by using a single reference, which enables higher capacity for stability measurement. With the dimension of 344 x 215 x 91mm (13.5 x 8.5 x 3.6 inches), the device can be integrated into manufacturing Automated Test Equipment (ATE) systems and it is also powerful enough for laboratory-grade metrology. Its interface provides backward compatibility with Microchip’s 51xxA test sets’ command and data stream, reducing the need to redesign existing ATE infrastructure.
The 53100A Phase Noise Analyzer allows an input reference device to be connected through the front panel at a different nominal frequency than the device under test, this provides flexibility and allows a single reference to characterize a variety of oscillator products. Rubidium frequency standards such as Microchip’s 8040C-LN or a quartz oscillator such as Microchip’s 1000C Ovenized Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) could be used as a reference as well as other manufacturers’ precise oscillators.
The 53100A Phase Noise Analyzer has been designed especially for engineers and scientists who need a precise and accurate measurement of frequency signals generated for 5G networks, data centers, commercial and military aircraft systems space vehicles, communication satellites, and metrology applications.