
High-Efficiency Power Distribution Using Ideal Diodes Hybrid Power Management System with Ideal Diode Technology

A YouTuber has developed a combat suit featuring a spinal battery system designed for improved power efficiency and…

ROHM Launches RLD90QZW8- Redefining LiDAR Precision with a 120W Laser Diode ROHM Launches RLD90QZW8: Redefining LiDAR Precision with a 120W Laser Diode

ROHM proudly unveils its newest innovation, the RLD90QZW8 high-power laser diode, tailored for revolutionizing LiDAR…

Ultra-Low Capacitance TVS Diode Ultra-Low Capacitance TVS Diode Protects High-Frequency Antennas from ESD

Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation ("Toshiba") has launched “DF2B6M4BSL” that is an ultra-low capacitance TVS…

ROHM RLD90QZW3 High Optical Output Laser Diode 75W High Optical Output Laser Diode for Longer Distance Detection and Improved Sensing Accuracy

ROHM has unveiled a 75W infrared high optical output laser diode, RLD90QZW3 designed for LiDAR used in distance measurement and…

DIY ATtiny85 USB Rubber Ducky DIY USB Rubber Ducky using ATtiny85

The USB Rubber Ducky or Bad USB is a famous attack tool that looks like a USB pen drive but acts like a keyboard when plugged…

230V AC LED Driver Circuit Board 230V AC LED Driver Circuit for Powering 2.5Watts LED Light

AC LED driver circuits are overly popular due to the advancement of High current white LEDs. We already made a Transformerless…

Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation Using Arduino Simple Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation using Arduino and HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

It is very exciting to see something floating in the air or free space that is exactly what an anti-gravity project is about.…

Half Wave and Full Wave Precision Rectifier Circuit using Op-Amp Half Wave and Full Wave Precision Rectifier Circuit using Op-Amp

A rectifier is a circuit that converts alternating current (AC) to Direct current (DC). An alternating current always changes…

555 Timer Charge Pump Circuit Positive and Negative Charge Pump Circuit

In a previous article, I have shown you how you can build your own switched capacitor voltage converter circuit using the…

Guitar Distortion Pedal Circuit Build Your Own Guitar Distortion Pedal Circuit

Who does not like the rumbling tone of a distorted electric guitar? It is a key part of many important genres of music, especially in blues and…