Edge Impulse

Thermal gesture recognition Using Thermal Cameras for Gesture Recognition with AI

Thermal imaging is commonly used in industries like security and diagnostics, but it also has applications in computer vision. Unlike regular…

 ESP32-CAM for Face Recognition using Edge Impulse ESP32-CAM Face Recognition using Edge Impulse

 Face recognition is becoming increasingly popular these days. There are numerous project ideas available…

Object Detection using ESP32-CAM and Edge Impulse Object Detection using ESP32-CAM and Edge Impulse

In this project, we have used the popular ESP32-CAM module to build an Image recognition system that can identify…

Tomato Sorting Machine using Raspberry Pi Tomato Sorting Machine using Edge Impulse TinyML on Raspberry Pi

Manually sorting items is one of the most exhausting and time-consuming tasks. Manual sorting, whether of fruits or veggies or…

Fever Detection using Edge Impulse Traing Model and Arduino How to use Edge Impulse Signal based Model Training to train a Fever Detection Model

AI has been a buzzword this entire decade. People have been applying the concepts of AI in all possible fields – Agriculture,…

Object Classification using Edge Impulse TinyML on Raspberry Pi Object Classification using Edge Impulse TinyML on Raspberry Pi

Edge Impulse Studio is a machine learning platform that enables developers to generate Machine Learning trained models in the…