Sound Sensor

Detect the Direction of Sound Using Arduino How to Detect the Direction of Sound Using Arduino?

Sound direction detection is a fascinating concept in robotics and automation. It allows a device to "hear" and determine the direction of a sound…

Adaptive Musical Instrument for Physically Challenged Persons Adaptive Musical Instrument for Physically Challenged Persons

This project aims to create an adaptive musical instrument that allows physically challenged individuals to express…

Interface KY-038 Sound Sensor with ESP32 How a KY-038 Sound Sensor works and how to Interface it with ESP32?

Want to give your project the sense of sound! Then follow along because in this project we are interfacing a sound…

Arduino Sound Sensor How Does a Sound Sensor Work and how to Interface it with Arduino?

A sound sensor is a simple, easy-to-use, and low-cost…

Advanced Sound Sensing Solution Advanced Sound Sensing Solution Alerts ADAS When it Detects Fast-Moving Emergency Vehicles in the Blind Spot

Infineon Technologies along with the Reality AI has created IM67D130A, an advanced sensing solution for vehicles to provide…