Project IGOR: Your Personalized Focus Timer to Boost Productivity
This DIY focus timer is a combination of functionality with creativity, offering a tool to help track and improve… |
ESP32 Timers & Timer Interrupts
There are times when you need something to happen on time and that’s where timers and timer interrupts come to… |
Timers on Nuvoton N76E003 Microcontroller - Blink LED using Timer ISR and Timer Delay
In our previous Nuvoton Microcontroller tutorials, we used a basic LED blinking program as a getting started guide and also… |
Arduino Countdown Timer
A timer is a type of clock used for the measurement of time intervals. There are two types of timer, one which counts upwards… |
Simple Time Delay Circuit using 555 Timer
In this project we are going to design a Simple Time Delay Circuit Using 555 Timer IC. This circuit consists of 2 switches one… |
Arduino Timer Tutorial
The Arduino Development Platform was originally developed in 2005 as an easy-to-use programmable device for art design projects… |
Understanding Timers in PIC Microcontroller with LED Blinking Sequence
This will be the fifth tutorial in our PIC Tutorial Series, which will help you to learn and use Timers in PIC16F877A. In our… |
Alarm Clock using ATmega32 Microcontroller
In this project we are going to design a simple Alarm clock using ATMEGA32 timers. ATmega32A microcontroller has a 16 bit timer… |