Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.
We all know that every magnet has two polarities, i.e. North Pole and South Pole, whether it is neodymium magnet, ring magnet…
In previous tutorials, we have covered the basics of FreeRTOS with Arduino and the Queue kernel object in FreeRTOS Arduino. Now…
Often times, we need to control bass, treble, and volume of our audio signal before passing it through amplification stages to…
In the previous tutorial, we introduced FreeRTOS in Arduino Uno and created a task for the blinking LED. Now, in this tutorial…
As the world is heading towards automation and artificial intelligence, different innovations are taking place every day to…
Who does not like the rumbling tone of a distorted electric guitar? It is a key part of many important genres of music, especially in blues and…
The LA4440 is a very popular dual-channel audio amplifier commonly used to build high power audio amplifiers. The IC is known…
In this project, I am going to Interface an Alcohol Sensor with Arduino. Here I have designed an Arduino Shield PCB using…
The OS present inside the embedded devices is called an RTOS (Real-Time Operating System). In embedded devices, real-time tasks…
Corona Virus (Covid19) is wreaking havoc in the world. Almost every country is suffering from the Corona Virus. WHO has already…
Raspberry Pi Hats are the same as shields for Arduino, they can directly fit on the top of Raspberry Pi and don’t require any…
If you are thinking about building a simple, cheap, and moderately high power amplifier circuit that can deliver up to 50-watt…