Electronics and Semiconductor News

Find the latest electronics industry news covering new electronics components releases in various electronics domains such as embedded, power electronics, analog, digital, IoT and Automotive industries. 


BlueNRG-Tile is a new all-in-one IoT-node development kit from STMicroelectronics. Built around ST’s BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth…

Mouser Electronics is now stocking the MAXREFDES101 Health Sensor Platform 2.0 from Maxim Integrated. The…

ROHM announced the development of a 1700V/250A rated SiC power module that provides high level of reliability optimized for…

Maxim Integrated introduced three new building-block analog ICs for designers who are looking for greater efficiency and…

In order to meet the size, power and performance requirements of Industry 4.0 applications, Maxim Integrated introduced an…

A new Battery Cell Controller portfolio was released by NXP, suitable for a wide range of automotive Battery Management Systems.  Designed to…

STMicroelectronics introduced a high-density power driver PWD5F60 intended to be used in high-voltage brushed DC and…

Sensirion introduce a new liquid flow sensor, the SLF3S-1300F that  provides maximum safety, stability and long-term…

Texas Instruments introduced two new isolated CAN flexible data rate (FD) transceivers that combine high bus fault protection,…

Toshiba announced the launch of TCB702FNG, an addition to its 4-channel high-efficiency linear power amplifiers that meet…

Maxim’s new isolated RS-485 module transceiver with power - MAXM22511 simplifies and shrinks the design of field bus…

STMicroelectronics released two new microcontrollers STM32L412 and STM32L422 with a focused feature set and compact…