
Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Walking and Dancing Robot Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Bob (Walking & Dancing Robot)

Welcome to another project in which we will build a small Robot which can walk and dance. The project aims in teaching you how…

Arduino Radar System using Processing and Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Radar System using Processing Android App and Ultrasonic Sensor

This is an interesting project in which we explore the power of an Arduino and Android to create a Surveillance device which…

Smart Phone Controlled LED using Bluetooth and PIC Microcontroller Interfacing Bluetooth Module HC-06 with PIC Microcontroller

In this tutorial we will learn How to make out PIC projects wireless by interfacing a Bluetooth Module (HC-06). In our previous…

Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO using Android App over Bluetooth Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO using Android App over Bluetooth

Raspberry Pi is very popular for IoT projects because of its seamless ability of wireless communication over internet.…

Smart Phone Controlled Bluetooth FM Radio using Arduino and Processing Smart Phone Controlled FM Radio using Arduino and Processing

In this project we will use an existing FM radio which went repair a long time ago, to convert it into a Smart Wireless FM…

Arduino Smart Watch for Android Arduino Smart Watch for Android

Smart Watches are very popular now days and become very important in the world of IoT. Smart Watches not only look cool but…