Arduino Based Floor Cleaning Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor
Automatic floor cleaners are nothing new, but they all share a common problem. They all are too expensive for what they do.… |
Real Time Face Detection and Tracking Robot using Arduino
Ever wanted to build a Face Tracking Robotic Arm or Robot by simply using Arduino and not any other programming like OpenCV,… |
Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Bob (Walking & Dancing Robot)
Welcome to another project in which we will build a small Robot which can walk and dance. The project aims in teaching you how… |
DIY Web Controlled Raspberry Pi Surveillance Robotic Car
In this DIY session we are building a web controlled surveillance robotic car using raspberry pi and a webcam. This could be a… |
Mobile Phone Controlled Robot Car using G-Sensor and Arduino
In this article, we are going to Control the Robot Car through the G sensor of our mobile phone and you will be able to move… |
Raspberry Pi Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor
Robots are machines which reduce the human efforts in heavy works by automating the tasks in industries, factories, hospitals… |
DIY Smart Vacuum Cleaning Robot using Arduino
Hi guys, are you a newbie to the world of Robotics or Electronic? OR Are you looking for a simple yet powerful project to make… |
DIY Arduino Robotic Hand
Robots are the future of the world and today they are used everywhere, from a simple toy car to automobile assembly line. Even… |
ArduRoller - An Arduino Based Self Balancing Robot
Robots and robotics have always been one of the fascinating field of studies for scientists, engineers and… |
WiFi Controlled Robot using Arduino
There are many types of Robots, from the simple ones like a Toy car to the advanced ones like industrial Robots. We have… |