
Fire Alarm System using AVR Microcontroller Fire Alarm System using AVR Microcontroller

In this project, we are going to make a Fire Alert System using ATMEGA8 microcontroller and fire sensor. Fire sensor can…

Color Detector using Arduino Color Detector using Arduino Uno

In this project we are going to interface TCS3200 color sensor with Arduino UNO. TCS3200 is a color sensor which can detect any…

Theft Alert System using ATmega8 Microcontroller and Tilt Sensor Anti-Theft Alert System using ATmega8 Microcontroller

In this project we are going to make a vibration alert system with ATMEGA8 microcontroller. This can also be used as a…

Heartbeat Monitor Project using Arduino Arduino Based Heartbeat Monitor

Heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure monitoring are very important parameters of human body. Doctors use various…

Flex sensor interfacing with AVR Microcontroller Flex Sensor Interfacing with AVR Microcontroller

In this tutorial we are going to interface FLEX sensor with ATMEGA8 microcontroller. In ATMEGA8, we are going use 10bit ADC (…

Automatic Temperature Controlled Fan Project using Arduino Arduino Temperature Control - Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature

In this arduino based project, we are going to build a temperature-controlled fan using Arduino. With this circuit,…

Arduino Uno Humidity Sensor Project Humidity and Temperature Measurement using Arduino

Humidity and temperature are common parameters to measure environmental conditions. In this Arduino based project we are going…

PIR Sensor based Automatic Door Opener Project using PIR Sensor Automatic Door Opener using Arduino

You must have seen automatic door openers in shopping malls and other commercial buildings. They open the door when someone…

Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and AVR Microcontroller Distance Measurement using HC-SR04 and AVR Microcontroller

In this tutorial we are going to discuss and design a circuit for measuring distance. This circuit is developed by interfacing…

AVR Microcontroller Based Digital Thermometer using LM35 Temperature Measurement using LM35 and AVR Microcontroller

In this project we are going to design a circuit for measuring temperature. This circuit is developed using “LM35”, a linear…