Arduino Project

Light Following Robot Simple Light Following Robot using Arduino UNO

Today, we are building a simple Arduino-based project: a light-following robot. This project is perfect for beginners,…

30+ Arduino Project Ideas 30+ Arduino Project Ideas for Beginners with Code and Circuit Diagram

If you're just starting out with Arduino, you might be wondering what projects you can take on to practice your skills…

Arduino Pick and Make Kit New Plug and Make Starter Kit from Arduino for IoT Projects

Arduino just released their new starter kit Arduino Plug and Make Kit aimed at makers of all ages. As the name suggests the kit includes plug-and-…

Arduino UNO R4 and Arduino IoT Cloud Getting started with Arduino UNO R4 & Arduino IoT Cloud

If you are a maker or an electronics enthusiast, then you must be familiar with the Arduino platform and their boards.…

Arduino Robotics Projects Arduino Robotics Projects: From Basics to Advanced

Arduino projects have gained immense popularity among both seasoned makers and beginners due to their ability to blend…

Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor Interfacing Tutorial How Does a Soil Moisture Sensor Work and How to use it with Arduino?

The soil moisture sensor is the first thing that springs to mind when it comes to building your smart irrigation…

PCA9685 Multiple Servo Control PCA9685 - Multiple Servo Control Using Arduino

The 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver, PCA9685, is an ideal module for precise control of multiple PWM outputs that…

Hand Gesture Controlled Robot Gesture Controlled Robot Using Arduino

Let's build a cool hand gesture-controlled robot that'll amaze your friends and family—it's like magic! This step-by-…

Interfacing Arduino with Servo Motors How to Control Servo Motor using Arduino

In the world of electronics and robotics, servo motors play a crucial role in controlling…

Hand Gesture Robot The Fusion of AI and Robotics: DIY Hand Gesture Robot Takes Center Stage

In a dazzling display of innovation, the mixture of AI and robotics has birthed a remarkable creation: a hand gesture-controlled robot. Crafted by…